Horsetail Falls Timelapse Video


My third night in Yosemite is coming to a close and the weather looked even more promising to photograph Horsetail Falls, which flows off of El Capitain. During the mid part of February light shines on the waterfall perfectly to see the the water turn to “fire” caused by the setting sun. Photographers from all over the world, some even from other planets, join here to photograph the rare occasion. I have had 3 cameras and a video camera set for the last 2 nights pointing to the waterfall to capture this “event.”

The day in Yosemite started with a cold overcast but by 8am it was clear and we had no clouds in sight, a great sign to get great shots of Horsetail Falls. The first thing I did in the morning was go to my spot and see how good the water was flowing from Horsetail, it has a steady stream. Witnesses told me that when they looked up and saw the water they heard Angels sing, little did they know the Yosemite Choir was practicing all day but why ruin it for them.

I went to Yosemite Falls, Chilnualna Falls and Tunnel View that day then drove back to my spot to try and get a shot of Horsetail Falls on fire. Today it got crowded faster with 18 people along the shoreline of Merced River. What I decided to do was set up a timelapse of El Capitain and Horsetail Falls during the sunset so you can see how fast the clouds can take over in Yosemite. No matter how clear the weather is you never know when you will see a climate change.

As you can tell from the video, I did not get a shot of Fire Falls and no one else around me did too but I still have two more days in Yosemite so we will see what the weather brings us.



49 Comments on “Horsetail Falls Timelapse Video”

  1. I have tried to photograph Horsetail for two years now, I missed this years. Too bad you didn’t get a shot either but Yosemite is beautiful no matter what.

    1. It’s a tough gig, but a lot of fun. I am thinking about going back there next year again.

  2. Pingback: When and How to Photograph Horsetail Falls | Pasquale Murena's Film and Photograpy Blog

  3. Saw it years ago but didn’t have a camera on me, such a disappointment. Who goes to Yosemite without a camera???

  4. “Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.” – John Muir

  5. I can go to Yosemite everyday, almost moved there during the 80’s but couldn’t find a decent job there.

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