Rondo Awards Nominates Chip & Bernie’s Zomance

For the last 13 years The Rondo Hattan Classic Horror Awards has been the only classic horror awards from Fandom and this year “Chip & Bernie’s Zomance” is nominated for Best Independent Film. From Rondo’s website, “Every nominee below is being recognized for significant work or achievement in the year 2014.”

The great thing about this award is the winner comes from fan votes, all you do is go to this link and email the address on the website. Make sure you include your name and vote for category #9, Best independent Film: Chip & Bernie’s Zomance. If you are voting for someone else in our category I hope you meet one of our zombies from the film. For those of you that have received a DVD you can vote for Best Commentary too, category #6. Thank you in advance.

This year the awards are dedicated to two great men, Dick Smith and Leonard Nimoy, make sure you show your support and vote for our independent feature film.
